6 Ways Music Helps Children Learn And Develop
Music is an immensely inspiring and evocative form of creative expression that can be appreciated on many levels... Singing, playing with instruments and manipulating sounds can also massively benefit your child's early learning and developed. In fact, babies begin to react to and perceive sounds from even inside the mother's womb - "recognising the rhythm of speech, rhythm of music, and so on." Following birth, music becomes a universal language that can enhance and speed up learning and stimulate brain function - down the line, this can also lead into an active passion that your child could take with them for the rest of their lives. So how does music help in learning and development? Birdkids have put together a beautiful arrangement of tips and products that will hit all the right notes with you and your children. Music Develops Communication Skills Playing, singing and engaging with musical instruments is a great way for your youngster to develop their verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Music is can be an expressive and instinctive form of communication, requiring you to listen, repeat instruction and interpret pitch and tone. On any level, music is a transferrable skill that allows babies and toddlers to get a foothold into communicating positively and confidently as they grow and develop. Strike a tune with your favourite feline metallophone from Djeco. Enhances Motor Skills And Coordination Making use of percussive instruments such as drums and cymbals helps to enhance motor skills, hand-eye coordination and rhythm. Banging a snare or hitting a tom-tom is not only fun, it's also a full workout for the body and mind which anyone can enjoy. Just grab yourself a small drum and get your child to repeat the rhythmic patterns that you create on your instrument! The Djeco Animambo Hand Drum will be a hit with any aspiring groove maker! Helps With Concentration We all know how easily young minds can wander as they begin exploring the wider world. But if they're sat down with a music instrument, holding something tactile, new and exciting, they'll learn to pour all their energy into something they love. Make some music that everyone will flock to with this bird inspired Animambo Tambourine from Djeco. Team Playing And Sociability Making music can be a fun social activity that all kids can engage with as a team. Grabbing your very own musical instrument and creating a pretend band helps little ones to improve their confidence, social skills, emotional engagement and overall wellbeing within a group. Create a maraca marching band with this animambo wooden jaguar from Djeco. Self Expression And Passion Once you've combined communication, coordination and team playing, your toddlers will be well on their way to developing a musical passion that could stick with them for the rest of their lives... Planting musical ideas into young minds fuels their desire to be creative and prevents learning an instrument from feeling like a chore. Discover what you love with our Musical Toys collection only at Birdkids... Routine And Discipline Using songs, beats and rhythms can help your child brush their teeth and get ready in the mornings or build a proper framework of discipline from their early lives onwards. Routines can feel boring and uninspiring to children but setting life to music can help children adhere to structures and understand the value of repeating and practising things until they get better. Hit all the right notes with a Solid Wooden Drum from Plan Toys.