As a 'True Brit' I am excited about tomorrow's Royal Wedding! We have graciously been granted with an extra day off work and I will personally be glued in front of the TV all day. So what should we do to keep the kids occupied? My mother came up with the fantastic idea of getting the children to make a wedding hat. Apparently we did the same back in 1981 when Charles married Diana, and it kept us busy for most of the day. So I have collected all the leftover decorations from Easter (chicks, rabbits and the like) and combined them with a nice selection of newspaper, sellotape, child safe scissors, glue (washable), Paints, crayons and stickers; we have everything we need to make some great hats. I am not the best at origami, but we will be trying our best to create Top Hats for the boys, and wide brimmed Ladies hat for the girls - here's how: For the Top Hats: Use two large sheets of newspaper, laying one sheet on top of the other; make the shape of an 'X'. Place the sheets on top of an upturned plant pot and push down the sides to create a deep, rounded shape; hold the paper in place and sellotape around the base. Put plenty of glue on the newspaper that is overhanging from the pot, and roll upwards to create the brim of the hat. Allow to dry and remove from the pot - the boys can then get creative, painting and colouring their hats before adding some of their favourite stickers. The Ladies hats are crafted in a similar way; using a smaller, shorter plant pot for the mould and an extra sheet of newspaper. Lay the newspaper sheets on top of each other to create a star shape. Drape over the top of the plant pot and bind with sellotape. Then pleat the newspaper that is around the pot, gluing it down as you go. Once dry, trim the edges to make a wide, even brim. The girls can then spend all day long colouring, painting and adding glitter to their new hat. Leaving me to put my feet up with a nice glass of champagne and watch the wedding -cheers!
Category_party ideas