Do you find that your children’s toys only last a couple of weeks and start falling to pieces after just one playing session? Then like me, you will appreciate the great selection of traditional wooden toys that are now coming back into fashion. High quality, hard-wearing wooden toys are now more popular than ever and children of all ages love to play with these modern versions of the old-fashioned toys that we played with as children. For younger children great selections of building blocks, such as those by BRIO, are both educational and fun to play with. A children’s toy that will actually last through their childhood, building blocks are perfect for teaching colours, shapes and improving hand-eye coordination, and these durable wooden pieces can withstand even the most enthusiastic of play.
Wooden Role-playing sets are another educational toy that younger children can benefit from. From wooden fruit and chopping boards, to picnic sets and wooden cakes, these toys can help build our children’s social skills, and they learn without even realising it.
As your children start to find their feet, wooden ‘pull along’ toys are great confidence builders, and encourage our kids to take those extra steps. Children’s toys that our kids can interact with are usually those that are played with most, and a pull along train or bunny rabbit is sure to be a popular gift.
Once your child has walking down to a fine art, they will inevitably start running, so give them something to run with such as a traditional Hobby Horse. Surprisingly, many toy manufactures now make a modern version of the Hobby Horse, and I have yet to meet a child that does not enjoy playing with one.
Wooden toys for older children are also widely available, with ‘Motif Cubes’ being one such item. Wooden blocks that can be assembled in over 68 billion different combinations (yes billion – I wonder who counted?), there are no rules, and kids just love creating a new design. So there you have it, a great selection of wooden children’s toys suitable for those from 6 months to 60 years!
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