New Year’s resolutions are a popular tradition made every year by everyone who wishes to improve their lifestyle from the previous year. Funnily enough, many of us have similar resolutions to start a fresh for the year whether it’s to drink less, lose weight or try different things. Although it is mainly an act of self-improvement, what about a resolution that benefits your children too? In this blog, we have compiled a list of ideas that will make 2015 a great year for you and your child. iStock_000001965825Small 5. Learn New Things With Your Children Even if you are an adult, there is no excuse to improve your knowledge every day. Children are constantly asking questions about the world and there is no reason why you can’t enjoy an educational discussion with your children. Learn a scientific fact taking the time to read an Okido magazine for example. 4. Get Creative Is there anything more rewarding than achieving something together with your child? Whether it’s a craft kit, paper decoration or painting, put your artistic skills to good use. 3. Spend More Time Outside Although this may seem a little different to a popular resolution, children will appreciate the time spent in a natural environment away from electronical games indoors. Whether it’s treating the family for a trip away or simply playing in the garden more, make this a priority for this year. 2. Get Into Music Music is a great activity to get your children involved in as it helps to stimulate all areas of the brain. Even if you aren’t musically inclined yourself, encouraging your children to learn an instrument, dance or sing is a fantastic way of constructive time use. 1. Have Fun Seemingly an obvious resolution, but rather than being too serious with your promises to yourself, this is perhaps one of the most important pieces of advice. Make the most of quality family time and whatever hobbies you and your child like to do, make sure you do more of them in 2015! Who said New Year’s resolutions are just for adults? With these wonderful ideas, make your 2015 truly special for the whole family!