Over the year we have added some fantastic new brands to our collection, and now offer a wonderful selection of quality baby clothing, children’s toys, books, fun games and bedroom accessories, all designed with our kids in mind. French brand Djeco is hugely popular and they create everything from crafts for kids and role-playing toys to baby mobiles and wall stickers. Bright, colourful and beautifully illustrated, Djeco toys and games have something magical about them, and children of all ages love to play with the items in this impressive collection. The children and baby clothing found in our children’s wear collection is simply stunning. Modern, classical, fun and funky items feature across this range, and the recently added rainwear collection by Kozikids is proving very popular indeed. Making rainwear fun, the dungarees, raincoats, overalls and Wellie boots in the Kozikids collection appeal to both little girls and boys, and are perfect for keeping them dry as they walk to school on rainy days. Crafts for kids never go out of fashion, and the ‘make your own’ kits in the Calafant collection are making their way onto every child’s Christmas wish list. Encouraging creativity, these fun to build robots, castles and tree houses appeal to the older kids just as much as the younger ones, and you get to colour or paint them once completed, to create your very own work of art. The Beano and Dandy wall canvases by Roald Dahl & Quentin Blake Prints are brightening up children’s bedrooms across the world. Based on original covers of the well-known and much loved Beano and Dandy magazines, these stunning canvas prints will create a stunning focal point in any child’s room, and they even appeal to our somewhat ‘particular’ teenagers! For those beautiful newborns welcomed into the world this year, our new baby collection contains a wonderful selection of soft toys, baby rattles and teething toys such as the ever popular ‘Sophie the Giraffe’ by Vulli. An adorable gift for newborns, Sophie was ‘born’ in France over 50 years ago, and over 20 million babies around the world have one of these delightful creatures to call their own. Our children’s gift collection is packed with great toys, games, crafts, books, bike safety equipment and much more. Made by what we think are the greatest brands in the world, there is something for every child, so visit our collection today.

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