When I was a kid a children’s birthday party consisted of a few friends and neighbours, a Victoria Sponge, some cheese and pineapple sticks and ‘Pin the tail on the donkey’ but fast forward some 30 years and children’s birthday parties are a whole new ball game. Invitations with RSVP, catering, clowns and bouncy castles are all considered ‘the norm’ these days, and while that may be just about manageable if you have one child, how do you budget for such an event when you have three? Well the good news is, with the help of friends, in-laws and a good selection of Djeco party decorations, you can create a wonderful birthday party for your kids and you do not have to remortgage the house to do so! Djeco a French toy manufacturer has put together a wonderful collection of party accessories such as bunting, wall sticker decorations and goodie bags, so you can create the perfect birthday party for less. The bunting is available in a range of fun designs such as superheroes and flowers, and when combined with a few bright balloons you can turn any room into a party zone. The wall stickers in the Djeco collection are bright, colourful and most importantly removable, so they are perfect for use during a children’s party. Simply attach the stickers to a plain wall and they will add a festive feel in minutes. Djeco has also created a fantastic collection of goodie bags that you can fill with jellybeans, small plastic toys and other children’s gift items, to create a keepsake for each child to take home. Combine the above Djeco accessories with a tasty homemade buffet of finger foods, a birthday cake, and granddad in a clown suit, and you have the perfect children’s birthday party!

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