Well the swallows are out and the sun is shining - Spring has finally arrived! We can't believe it's May already, I swear Christmas was only a few weeks ago?! Sorry we've been quiet on here the past month, we've had so much new stock arriving for our online store and shops in Wadebridge and Fowey, it's keeping us busy as always! Seeing as the weather is now much warmer and May Day AND Spring Bank Holiday are on their way, I thought I'd share some fun activity ideas that will get you and your family outdoors and having fun. Let us know which are your favourite!

Water Pinata

Hang water balloons from monkey bars, tree branches, or anything you can think of and have fun trying to smash them! Fill with glitter for extra fun (and mess!)

Musical Tree

We found this idea from the lovely blog Squashed Tomatoes (click the picture for link), and thought what a brilliant idea it is. These guys have threaded a broomstick through tree branches, and hung ceramic plant pots, glass bottles, a cow bell, small bells on string and a multitude of other wonderful things to make a truly musical tree. There's a competition as to who can make the most raucous noises :)

Hula Hooping

This isn't the most original idea, but it's incredible fun, especially when you all do it together, and see who can get the most hoops spinning! You can really have fun with hula hoops outdoors as there is no need to worry about ornaments breaking, and it's a brilliant way to bond with your little ones.

Nature Mobiles

Using a bamboo stick and some twine, explore your garden or the great outdoors and get your kids creating these really pretty nature mobiles. You can gather leaves, twigs, flowers and vine, and get truly creative. Hang them up on your porch or in your garden on display, and after they've gone, you can always go out and make some more!

Whatever you do this bank holiday, we hope you have lots of fun and laughter.

Birdkids x

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